Top 20+ Best Black and White Cat Breeds

Black and White Cat Breeds – Searching for a cat breed with vibrant and unique colours? If so, then you must acquire black and white cat breeds. In order to pick one, numerous owners focus on three characteristics: colour, grooming requirements and personality. It doesn’t matter which type of breed you are choosing; you cannot skip colour because this is the most critical factor that we must look at.
Adorable, catchy and cute cats are all that you need to infuse in your life with some adventure and fun. Another advantage of having cats is that they get comfortable with other pets, elders and kids.
Nowadays, black and white cats are the ones that numerous people are opting for. Black and white cats are also called “Piebald Cats” or “Tuxedo Cats” because it seems that they are wearing a tuxedo – formal dinner suit.
In this article, we have the top best black and white cat breeds of the world, including long-haired, short-haired, cuddly Turkish angora cats and more. So, let’s get started–
#1 Maine Coon

Life Expectancy – 10-15 years
Colour and Coat – Long and double coat
Weight – 9-17 pounds
Height – Up to 16 inches
Maine Coon are the world’s largest feline breeds. They are very popular for their gentle, polite behaviour and have luxurious long coats which provide them with a unique look. They are primarily tabby but also available in over 75 coat patterns and colours. Amongst them, the most popular is black and white. They are good with elders, kids and other pets. Along with this, these cats are caring, affectionate and loving towards their family.
#2 Munchkin

Life Expectancy – 12-15 years
Colour and Coat – Medium-length plush coat (shorthair) and silky coat (longhair).
Weight – 6-9 pounds
Height – 5-7 inches
These felines are known as Munchkin cats because of their short legs; they are very short compared to other average cats’ legs. It can be due to a genetic mutation. They are available in many colours, including white and black. These small fur felines are an excellent choice for any family as they are fun-loving, cute and warm-hearted.
They will assist you in every single thing, even after having short legs. If you are planning to opt for this feline, be prepared for extra grooming requirements. They are prone to numerous health problems like severe arthritis and curved spines.
#3 Persian

Life Expectancy – 10-18 years
Colour and Coat – Long coat in bi-colour and tabby
Weight – 7-12 pounds
Height – 14-18 inches
Persians are the most gorgeous cats on Earth. With their opulent, luxurious coat and soulful eyes, they have the ability to captivate anyone’s attention. They are the most captured and high-priced cat breeds.
They possess small, cute faces, large, soulful eyes and long, luxurious coats. Also, they have snuggly and laid-back personalities. They demand additional grooming sessions, so be prepared for that, as they have long coats and so demand regular grooming.
#4 Cornish Rex

Life Expectancy – 10-16 years
Colour and Coat – Curly and tight short hair
Weight – 6-10 pounds
Height – 12-14 inches
You can’t help but feel loved while cradling affection for a black and white Cornish Rex. They have tight, coiled layers of fur, along with large ears and an elegant physique, all of which make them adorable. For this reason, they are often referred to as the greyhound of the cat realm.
They are intelligent and smart creatures who are fond of playing and socializing.
#5 Manx Cat

Life Expectancy – 14-16 years
Colour and Coat – Long and Short hair varieties available in blue, cream, white, red, silver, black and many more.
Weight – 8-12 pounds
Height – 10-12 inches
Manx Cats possess dog-like characteristics and traits. They are sociable, friendly, and playful, and besides their joyful behaviour, they are intelligent as well as highly trainable.
One more unique characteristic of these felines is that they do not possess any tails and are highly proficient in catching mice. Available in several colour varieties that include both long and short-haired.
#6 Siberian Cat

Life Expectancy – 10-18 years
Colour and Coat – Triple coat & Semi-long haired
Weight – 8-15 pounds
Height – 9-11 inches
Searching for a furry companion having a medium-hair coat? If so, Siberian Cats are an excellent option for you.
Originating from Russia, these felines have a dense triple coat that aids them in surviving the harsh weather of the forested subarctic Siberian areas. Enthusiasts worldwide, particularly Americans, love this breed. The reason is that they are remarkably adorable, playful, affectionate, intelligent and active little creatures. It’s important to note that these felines shed significantly, so allergic people must consider this factor.
#7 Oriental Shorthair

Life Expectancy – 10-15 years
Colour and Coat – Smooth and short coat obtainable in multiple colours
Weight – 8-10 pounds
Height – 9-11 inches
Enthusiasts get confused between Oriental Shorthair and Siamese relatives because of their resembling appearance. These felines are available in various patterns and colours, and the most popular colour combination is white and black. Because they are playful, curious and chatty, they resemble Siamese black and white feline breeds.
Oriental felines possess a single short coat, meaning they are not recommended for colder areas. They demand a cozy and warm homely environment.
#8 Cymric Cat

Life Expectancy – 9-13 years
Colour and Coat – Long & solid colour coat accessible in shaded, smoke, ticking and tabby.
Weight – 8-15 pounds
Height – 16-18 inches
The Cymric Cat breed resembles the Manx Cat breed, but the only difference is that the Manx Cat has short hair while the Cymric possesses long hair. Originating from Canada, enthusiasts worldwide hold great affection for this breed. They are accessible in various patterns and colours. However, Tuxedos and Black and white felines are the most popular.
#9 Turkish Angora

Life Expectancy – 13+ years
Colour and Coat – Silky long coats accessible in Himalayan markings and fun colours like white with chocolate and lavender.
Weight – 5-9 pounds
Height – 9-14 inches
If you want a black and white, long-haired feline breed, then go for Turkish Angora. This breed is available in various variants like white and black and white with lavender. But the most popular colour is white.
These felines are affectionate and loving, making an excellent choice for those households where owners can accompany them all day long. You can either play with them or take them on hikes or short walks, as they are playful and outgoing.
They are also fond of playing in water and swimming.
#10 Domestic Mixed Breed Cat (Moggies)

Life Expectancy – 15-20 years
Colour and Coat – Long, medium and short hair coats accessible in white, black and orange colour.
Weight – 13-15 pounds
Height – 22-25 inches
Moggies is the other name of Domestic mixed-breed felines. You can locate them mostly in rescue shelters or on the streets. They are active, beautiful and accessible in various distinct markings, patterns and colours.
The most crucial factor that makes them popular is that they do not suffer from any health issues.
#11 Ragamuffin

Life Expectancy – 12-16 years
Colour and Coat – Long coat accessible in white, black, cream, blue, brown, red, chocolate, fawn, platinum, lilac, lavender, cinnamon, chestnut, silver and cameo colour.
Weight – 10-20 pounds
Height – 10-15 inches
#12 Norwegian Forest

Life Expectancy – 14-16 years
Colour and Coat – Long coat accessible in white, black, blue, brown, red, golden, silver, cream, cameo, blue cream and tortoiseshell colour.
Weight – 7-17 pounds
Height – 9-12 inches
#13 British Shorthair

Life Expectancy – 15-20 years
Colour and Coat – Medium and Short coats accessible in white, black, blue, brown, red, golden, silver, cream, cameo, blue cream, shaded, smoke, torbie and tortoiseshell colour.
Weight – 7-17 pounds
Height – 12-14 inches
#14 European Shorthair

Life Expectancy – 15-20 years
Colour and Coat – Short coats accessible in various colours.
Weight – 12-15 pounds
Height – 9-11 inches
#15 Scottish Fold

Life Expectancy – 11-14 years
Colour and Coat – Short coats accessible in various patterns and colours such as tabby, tortoiseshell and calico.
Weight – 5-11 pounds
Height – 8-10 inches
Renowned for their mischievous appearance and cute, small folded ears, the Scottish Fold is an affectionate feline breed. They possess laid-back and friendly personalities. They thrive harmoniously with other kids and pets and are pretty adaptable.
Nevertheless, these cats possess ears that are folded and have degenerative joint disease because of genetic mutation. It is a significant health concern as it primarily affects the development of bones and cartilage, leading to your cat experiencing painful arthritis.
In order to avoid hairballs and matted fur, these felines demand daily grooming.
#16 American Shorthair

Life Expectancy – 15-20 years
Colour and Coat – Short coats accessible in white, black, blue, brown, red, golden, silver, cream, cameo, blue cream, chinchilla tortoiseshell and tortoiseshell colour.
Weight – 10-15 pounds
Height – 8-10 inches
#17 Japanese Bobtail

Life Expectancy – 9-15 years
Colour and Coat – Short and long coats accessible in white, black, blue, brown, red, cream, tortoiseshell, Mi-Ke, dilute tortoiseshell and silver colour.
Weight – 6-10 pounds
Height – 8-9 inches
#18 Arabian Mau

Life Expectancy – 10-16 years
Colour and Coat – Glossy and short fur coat accessible in white, black, brown, red, and tabby colours.
Weight – 8-16 pounds
Height – 8-10 inches
#19 American Wirehair

Life Expectancy – 10-16 years
Colour and Coat – Medium and short coat accessible in white, blue, brown, red, cream, platinum, chinchilla, chestnut, fawn, golden, blue cream, cameo and tortoiseshell colour.
Weight – 8-12 pounds
Height – 9-11 inches
#20 Snowshoe

Life Expectancy – 14-20 years
Colour and Coat – Short coat accessible in white, black, brown, and tan.
Weight – 7-14 pounds
Height – 8-13 inches
#21 American Curl

Life Expectancy – 12-16 years
Colour and Coat – Medium and short coat accessible in white, black, blue, brown, red, golden, silver, cream, lilac, buttercream and tortoiseshell colour.
Weight – 5-10 pounds
Height – 9-12 inches
In conclusion, this is everything regarding the black and white cat breeds. They are playful and curious creatures who love playing with other pets and kids. These cute little felines are adorable and possess great temperament.
We hope this article has provided you with all your answers and has assisted you in refining your choices for your subsequent cat adoption. Therefore, if you deem this article valuable and informative, kindly pass it along to your friends and family who are considering adopting a feline.