Genshin Impact Moonchase Charm Use!

Genshin Impact Moonchase Charm Use!
Within several days, the Moonchase Celebration Occasion at Genshin Impact will come to a close, and many gamers are asking what to do about the Moonchase Charms they have gathered throughout the occasion. For example, can we spend these in an event store?
But before that, if you have not finished the Moonchase event now, make sure to go over our guidelines. The whereabouts of Moonchase Charms and instructions for completing the Contraption-Contrived Cuisine Program are covered in our manuals.
Like any other game, Genshin Impact has many special events that players can participate in and earn prizes. A current event product called Moonchase Charm has already been added to the prizes and may be gathered throughout the campaign. After the campaign, the Moonchase Charm will no longer be usable.
Moonchase Charms

It may be discovered on the Teyvat Dynamic Maps and can also be located in many places throughout the map. By locating them, users may complete the Moonlight Seeker task and receive extra Primogens as a prize.
- Although the Moonchase Charms are loaded to the player’s collection when they are collected, they don’t seem to have any worth.
- Users are growing more curious about the potential uses of the Charms as the event comes to an end and they start to disappear.
- Originally, it was claimed in the Charms’ synopsis that they might be traded in for awards during the Moonchase Celebration. However, the explanation has been changed, and the trade for prizes has been eliminated.
Moonlight Merriment

This implies that now the Charms won’t be very useful after the incident. Although Linyang, the NPC who helps them, also informs people that they may swap the Charms for prizes, some gamers are still clinging to the belief that they would be getting benefits for the Charms.
But it’s impossible to predict just what would eventually occur, so we may have to put it on hold for a game upgrade. The fans would undoubtedly anticipate receiving something major in return for the Charms because they were once offered prizes.
Players must accomplish missions from Moonchase Stories, Moonlight Quest, and tasks like Trail of Delicacies to advance in the Moonlight Merriment festival, which began a week ago and will shortly come to a close. Players can qualify for a variety of awards for completing missions and activities.
Can Genshin impact moonchase charm use?
In essence, it appears that Linyang in Liyue Harbour, the NPC that provides us with suggestions to locate the Charms, was the original target market for the Moonchase Charms. The awards we received through the Event interface, although, are the identical benefits we would have received by swapping the Charms, thus, it appears like miHoYo changed a lot of things inside the final draft of the Festival.
After choosing Moonchase from the Event menu, you may access this awards sub-menu. It appears that miHoYo changed the event’s format in this way since it would be inconvenient to return to Linyang each time and swap the Charms. Yet, the creators neglected to alter Linyang’s speech. This is why she said we could trade Moonchase Charms at the event’s commencement.
This isn’t a game-breaking technical problem, but it is a minor perplexing one made by miHoYo. This isn’t the first occasion that Event-only dialogue contains a few other errors or information that’s a little bit deceptive.
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