LeBron James asks Media Why They Didn’t Ask about Jerry Jones

Lakers’ LeBron James Questions Media for Not Asking Him About Jerry Jones Photograph
Wednesday night, LeBron James took an innovative twist on the traditional interviewing format, becoming the questioner instead of answeree. In a unique role reversal for fans to enjoy, he served as reporter.
Following the Lakers’ decisive victory over Portland, their star forward had a thought-provoking question – why hadn’t he been asked about an image of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones standing witness to white students attempting to prevent African American pupils from entering North Little Rock High School in 1957.
At 14, Jones was thrown into the spotlight when James called out Irving’s suspension for spreading an antisemitic documentary on social media.
LeBron James questions the media and shares his thoughts on the Jerry Jones 1957 photo. pic.twitter.com/xbW9LyLicQ
— Spectrum SportsNet (@SpectrumSN) December 1, 2022
James raised an interesting point when inquiring why his team hadn’t been asked about the Jerry Jones photo, noting how quickly questions had arisen regarding Kyrie Irving’s recent event. It begs the question – what was so special about one issue versus another?
Jones clarified that his presence in the photo was simply as an observer and he did not take part in any actions denying Black students access to the school.
Analysis: A photo of the Dallas Cowboys owner taken 65 years ago when he was a teenager is a reminder that segregation is closer than we think. https://t.co/pnObXUKZKA
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) December 1, 2022
James spoke out about the unfair attention that Black athletes often receive for making mistakes. He noted how a wrong decision is sensationalized and given an abundance of excessive coverage in comparison to non-Black athletes, leaving no room for redemption or growth from past errors.
James weighed in on the Jerry Jones scandal, noting his disappointment that it didn’t spark further inquiry into its implications. Acknowledging we all make mistakes, James felt this event had been brushed aside with an ‘Oh well’ sentiment rather than properly analyzed for what occurred – providing insight beyond just a simple apology.
On November 5th, the Brooklyn Nets took swift action and suspended Irving following his sharing of a link to an online documentary that contained controversial anti-Semitic rhetoric.